When you buy beets and kohlrabi, don’t throw out the greens! And if you thought green smoothies and braised mixed greens were the only thing you could do with them, here’s another idea for you!
These are very similar to my kale chips recipe. Really, you can make a chip out of any substantial leafy green. I have enjoyed chips made with mustard greens, broccoli leaves, the outer leaves of Brussels sprouts, turnip greens, collard greens and of course all varieties of kale. I like the combination of beet and kohlrabi greens because the sweet beet greens balance out the excessively bitter kohlrabi greens so well. You will once again note that I am using coconut oil for my chips. Olive oil or avocado oil works well too, although I love the flavor of coconut oil. Another note about these chips: they don’t keep very well (neither do my kale chips). We always eat ours immediately. If you want to make chips that will keep, it’s best to use a food dehydrator (see this post for directions).
Beet and Kohlrabi Greens Chips
Yield 4 servings
- 8 cups of greens
- 2 Tbsp coconut oil
- ½ tsp salt, to taste
- Preheat oven to 350F.
- Tear beet and kohlrabi leaves into 1½”-2” pieces, removing any thick stems. Wash leaves well. You need to thoroughly dry the leaves (you can use a salad spinner, a clean tea towel, or paper towels). This is really important so you don’t end up with soggy leaves. Place leaves on a rimmed baking sheet.
- Melt the coconut oil in the microwave or over low heat on the stovetop. Pour over the leaves and then mix to coat using your hands (massage it into the greens to coat thoroughly). Sprinkle with salt to taste and place in the oven.
- Bake for 18-20 minutes, until crisp (check often in the last few minutes).