Howdy! I’m Denise, resident Research Ninja and content creator here at The Paleo Mom. Some of you may know me from my “Hulk Smash Bad Science” blog, Raw Food SOS, or from my first book, Death by Food Pyramid.
I first entered the health world after a topsy-turvy journey through food allergies, wheatlessness, vegetarianism, and—by the ripe old age of 15—a year-long stint of raw veganism that left both my body and pride in shambles. In the process of disentangling from a dogmatic community and learning how to heal myself from scratch, I developed a passion for nutritional science that somehow blossomed into a career.
For the past seven years, I’ve aggressively challenged bad science wherever it pops up: in mainstream dietary guidance from the USDA, in alternative health realms rife with “woo,” in the vegan world from whence I came, and even in the Paleo and low-carb communities wherever they diverge from objective evidence. I consider myself a relentless truth seeker, and I’m stoked to be adding my voice to the wonderfully nerdy like-minds here at The Paleo Mom. I currently live in Portland, OR, where I can be found taking pictures of cats and surreptitiously picking strawberries out of people’s front yards (shh).
If you have questions or comments about something I’ve contributed here, feel free to email me at [email protected]. You can also track me down on Facebook or Twitter. For general inquiries, click here. For media inquiries, click here.