I have been diligently working over the last few days to completely update The Autoimmune Protocol page to reflect all of the recommendations in my upcoming book The Paleo Approach.
When I started writing my book, I decided that I would not make a single recommendation that I couldn’t back up with solid science. I decided that I wouldn’t rely on what I’d read on other people’s blogs or in their books, but instead read the medical/scientific journal articles myself and re-evaluate every single aspect of the autoimmune protocol. After all, I am making recommendations for some very sick people. There’s some pretty intense pressure to get it right.
This page now reflects my most current understanding of the optimal diet for managing autoimmune disease. There are some important updates for those following The Autoimmune Protocol so I urge everyone to have a look.
Please note that my site is in the process of migrating to a new (and a billion times better) web host because my old host can not handle my traffic (it’s a good problem to have!). If you are having trouble viewing this page or any other post on my site, just keep trying (the migration should be happening any day now, but until then, you might see a “database connection error” during higher traffic times). If it’s really frustrating, overnight and mornings are the quietest times on the blog so are also the most likely for you to be able to “get through”.