On my penultimate episode as regular co-host of The Whole View podcast, Stacy and I dive into the super complex science behind genetics, epigenetics and the social determinants of health! Just an easy, quick, short, light topic for your commute. 😉 Overall, the science of genetic variants is extremely detailed, complex, and not always logical. However only about 30% of our genetic coding actually correlates with autoimmune conditions, the rest comes from environmental and ‘nurture’ factors such as exposures from air, water and life circumstances.
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Epigenetics is somewhat different from genetics in that you can be given genetic mutations and variants which are encoded into your body, however that doesn’t mean they are necessarily “turned on” simply because of their existence. Epigenetics studies are proving the transgenerational impact from trauma events and environmental conditions such as famine can actually impact the third generation of descendants (and possibly even more). Scientists are just scratching the surface of the impact of epigenetics on our mental, physical and social wellbeing.
Fascinatingly, did you know that genetics, epigenetics, biology, lifestyle and all of the health choices we make in our life only account for 25% of our overall health? The rest of the impact is caused by what we call “social determinants of health”. That is, the variables such as where you live, your access to health care, accessibility to food, racial inequities, exposure to violence and many of those other socially constructed pieces to well-being. The research shows that the cycle of propagation in areas with lower income therefore have less access to green spaces, healthy food, and stable jobs, which evidently leads to longer working hours to make ends meet, lower quality sleep, and a higher chronic stress load. This episode is truly a deep dive into all of those ‘other’ factors that can impact health beyond making good choices.
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Recommended Reading and Listening
- TWV Podcast Episode 422: Banning Sneaky Toxins in Beauty Products
- TPV Podcast, Episode 331 Safer Cleaning Products
- TPV Podcast, Episode 322: A Healthier Visit With Aunt Flo
- TPV Podcast, Episode 290: Mrs. Toth Goes to Washington
- TPV Podcast Episode 395: Personal Care Toxins
- TWV Podcast Episode 405: Is there real science on Pesticides and the Dirty Dozen?
- TWV Podcast Episode 406: Got Water?
- TPV Podcast Episode 360: How to Detox Chlorine
- TWV Podcast Episode 439: A Conversation around Current Events – The Paleo Mom
- TWV Podcast Episode 407: Racial Disparities in Health and Black Lives Matter
- Can You Really Be Healthy at Any Size?
- Ditching Diet Dogma
- Habit Formation and New Years Resolutions
- TWV Podcast Episode 421: The Science Behind Body Image
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- TWV Podcast Episode 472: The Harm of Weight Discrimination and Stigma – Part 2
- TWV Podcast Episode 436: What Is Health, and How Do You Measure It?
- TWV Podcast Episode 466: Our Stories on the Healing Power of Food and Ditching Diet Culture
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- What Is a Nutrivore?
- The Benefits of Gentle Movement
- Sleep and Disease Risk: Scarier than Zombies!
- Go To Bed: 14 Steps to Healthier Sleep
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- TPV Podcast Episode 397: Practical Tips for the Sleep Stress Cycle
- TPV Podcast, Episode 288: Productivity & Work-Life Balance
- TPV Podcast Episode 351: Stress on Health
- Demystifying Adrenal Fatigue, Pt. 1: What Is Adrenal Fatigue?
- Demystifying Adrenal Fatigue, Pt. 2: Testing Adrenal Glandular Function
- Demystifying Adrenal Fatigue, Pt. 3: Nutrition & Lifestyle Support for the Adrenal Glands
- How Stress Undermines Health
- TWV Podcast Episode 446: Nutrient Deficiencies Caused by Stress
- The Health Benefits of Connection
Genetics and Health – Genes, Behavior, and the Social Environment – NCBI Bookshelf
Monogenic autoinflammatory diseases | Rheumatology | Oxford Academic
Epigenetic inheritance and the missing heritability
Frontiers | Epigenetic Inheritance: Concepts, Mechanisms and Perspectives | Molecular Neuroscience
Social Determinants of Health – Healthy People 2030 | health.gov
Racism as a Determinant of Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Carmen Maier
Impact of Race/Ethnicity and Social Determinants of Health on Diabetes Outcomes
Social Determinants of Health Literature Summaries – Healthy People 2030 | health.gov