One aspect of the Autoimmune Protocol that causes a lot of confusion is herbs and spices, which ones are safe, which are best saved for early reintroductions, and which ones are best to avoid for a longer period of time. So, this week on The Whole View, Stacy and I explain the overarching philosophy behind how herbs and spices are categorized on the AIP, why including safe herbs and spices is so beneficial, and talk about our favorite ones to cook with!
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Recommended Reading and Listening
- TPV Podcast Episode 390: When Do We Re-Do the Elimination Phase of the AIP?
- TPV Podcast Episode 295: Can Food Intolerances Be Fixed?
- TPV Podcast Episode 289: Food Allergy, Sensitivity, and Intolerance: What’s the Difference?
- TPV Podcast Episode 213: What Do I Do After a Bad Reaction?
- TWV Podcast Episode 415: Fish oil, Healthy or not?
- TPV Podcast Episode 272: What’s the Deal with Essential Oils?
- The Reintroduction Phase of the AIP
- AIP Eliminations Summary
- The 3 Phases of the Autoimmune Protocol